TT3354 - Technology of Pre-Spinning Process Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Anna University Handloom and Textile Technology syllabus of B. Tech. Handloom and Textile Technology Semester III. In this article, we are glad to provide the syllabus of the Technology of Pre-Spinning Process.

We aim to provide the following semester TT3354 – Technology of Pre-Spinning Process syllabus in a detailed manner. We include the appropriate syllabus textbooks and references. Hope this information is useful. Don’t forget to share with your classmates.

If you want to know more about the B. Tech. Handloom and Textile Technology Syllabus is connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B. Tech. Handloom and Textile Technology Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University.

Aim Of Objectives:

  • To expose the students to the yarn numbering system used to specify textile yarns.
  • To enable the students to understand the processes involved in the production of yarn from fibres.
  • To enable the students to understand the machinery used for the production of yarns using short staple spinning system.

TT3354 – Technology of Pre-Spinning Process Syllabus

Unit – I: Introduction To Spinning

Sequence of spinning machinery for producing carded, combed and blended yarns in short staple and long staple spinning system; yarn numbering systems- direct, indirect and conversions; minfluence of characteristics of raw material – fibre fineness, length, strength, elongation, stiffness, fibre friction, cleanliness on spinning performance; spinnability.

Unit – II: Ginning And Blowroom

Description and working of different types of gins; selection of right type of gins; ginning performance on yarn quality; objectives, principle and description of opening, cleaning and blending machines used in blowroom; chute feed; cleaning efficiency, production calculations.

Unit – III: Carding

Objectives and principle of carding; detailed study of flat card; autolevelling; card clothing and its maintenance; drives and production calculation.

TT3354 - Technology of Pre-Spinning Process Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Unit – IV: Combing

Objectives of comber preparatory; detailed study of sliver lap, ribbon lap and super lap formers; objectives and principle of combing; sequence of combing operation; combing efficiency and production calculation.

Unit – V: Drawing And Roving

Tasks of drawing machine; drafting systems used in modern drawing machines; autolevelling; draft and production calculation; objectives of roving machine; working of roving machine; bobbin builder mechanism – mechanical and electro-mechanical; draft, twist and production calculations.

Text Books:

  1. Klein W., Vol. 1 -3, “The Technology of Short Staple Spinning”, “A Practical Guide to Opening & Carding” and “A Practical Guide to Combing, Drawing, and Roving frame”, The Textile Institute, Manchester, U.K., 1998.
  2. Chattopadhyay R. (Ed), Advances in Technology of Yarn Production, NCUTE, IIT Delhi, 2002.
  3. Klein W., Vol.4 -5, “A Practical Guide to Ring Spinning, 1987” and “New Spinning Systems, 1993″ The Textile Institute, Manchester, 1987.
  4. Gowda R.V.M, “New Spinning Systems”, NCUTE, IIT Delhi, 2003.


  1. Oxtoby E., “Spun Yarn Technology “, Butterworth, London, 1987
  2. Klein W., “The Technology of Short-staple Spinning “, The Textile Institute, Manchester, 1998
  3. Klein W., “A Practical Guide to Opening and Carding “, The Textile Institute, Manchester, 1999
  4. Klein W., “A Practical Guide to Combing, Drawing and Roving Frame “, The Textile Institute, Manchester, 1999
  5. Lord P.R., “Yarn Production: Science, Technology and Economics “, The Textile Institute, Manchester, 1999
  6. Salhotra K.R. and Chattopadhyay R., “Book of papers on Blowroom and Card “, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 1998 41
  7. Iredale J., “Yarn Preparation: A Handbook “, Intermediate Technology, 1992
  8. Doraiswamy I., Chellamani P. and Pavendhan A., “Cotton Ginning, Textile Progress”, The Textile Institute, Manchester, 1993.

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