The Last Leaf Summary

“The Last Leaf Summary” is a captivating tale penned by the renowned American author, O. Henry. Set in the bohemian neighborhood of Greenwich Village, the story follows the lives of two young artists, Johnsy and Sue, who share a close bond of friendship. As winter approaches, Johnsy falls critically ill with pneumonia, losing hope as she believes she will only survive until the last leaf falls from the vine outside her window. This poignant narrative explores themes of friendship, sacrifice, and the power of art amidst the backdrop of a bleak and wintry New York City. In “The Last Leaf Summary,” readers are taken on a journey that touches the heart and leaves a lasting impression. Read More Class 10 English Summaries.

The Last Leaf Summary

The Last Leaf Summary in English

The streets in a little district west of Washington were broken into strips. One street crosses itself once or twice. They created a maze for a new visitor. The art people came there and turned the quaint old Greenwich village into a colony.

The two young artists named Sue and Johnsy (Joanna) lived on the top storey of an old brick house there. Sue was from Maine and Johnsy was from California. Having common taste in art, they had a joint studio in May.

In November, Johnsy fell seriously ill. She suffered from pneumonia. She could hardly move. Her bed was near the window. It overlooked the brick wall of the opposite house. Sue was deeply worried. She sent for a doctor. But the doctor told Sue that Johnsy had lost the will to live. Her chances of survival were just ten percent. Medicines will not help her.

summary of the last leaf in 100 words

Sue made her best efforts to make Johnsy take interest in her surroundings. She talked to her about clothes and fashions. She also brought her drawing-board into Johnsy’s room and started painting. While painting, she whistled. A very old ivy vine climbed half-way up the brick wall. It was winter. Its leaves were falling. Johnsy was counting backwards from twelve downwards. Sue asked what it was all about. Johnsy told her that she would pass away as soon as the last ivy leaf fell. It would happen in three days.

Johnsy’s condition went from bad to worse with the falling of each leaf from the ivy. Sue called her idea nonsense but could not get it out of Johnsy’s mind. She told her in vain that she would be all right soon. Johnsy began to prepare herself for death. Sue thought of a plan to save her friend’s life.

Johnsy had fallen asleep at night. Sue went to Behrman, an old painter. He lived on the ground floor. He had a hearty desire to paint a masterpiece. However, he had no success so far. She apprised Behrman about Johnsy’s fancy. Behrman followed Sue to their room. Johnsy was still sleeping. The ivy creeper had only one leaf left on it. It was raining hard. The last ivy leaf fell during the night.

the last leaf summary pdf

Behrman painted a leaf in green colour. It looked exactly like the real leaf. Johnsy woke up next morning. She began to wait for the last leaf to fall. She saw out of the window every hour. But it did not fall even in the stormy evening. This revived a will to live in Johnsy.

Johnsy accused herself. She felt that it was a sin to want to die. It filled Johnsy with a new hope. She took lots of hot soup. Her condition began to improve and she was completely out of danger. Then Sue told her that the last leaf was a mere painting by Behrman. Behrman worked in rain during the night and caught pneumonia. It was his masterpiece.