Social Networking Essay | Sample Essays About Social Networking

Social Networking Essay Introduction: Social networking essay is a topic commonly asked in examinations, hence, to write an engaging essay, students should have in-depth knowledge about social networking. The concept itself is rather easy to understand, hence, it will not be a hassle to comprehend. Moreover, social networking is a powerful tool for learning as it can enable information and knowledge sharing.

However, social networking has more than a few definitions provided by various experts in the industry. But most definitions state social networking as an interaction over a social platform between individuals who may or may not share similar interests, activities, or other connections. The end goal of social networking is to build relationships or to gather information. The following are some essential tips and tricks to keep in mind when writing an essay on social networking or any other topic. Read on to find more about Advantages and Dis-Advantages of Social Networking Essay.

Social Networking Essay – Important Points

To write an engaging social networking essay, the following points are to be noted:

  • Ensure that the essay has an introductory paragraph
  • Unless the topic is technical, reduce the use of jargons
  • Express in points wherever possible
  • Content must be broken up into digestible chunks
  • If possible, use dates, names or other specifics that are relevant to the topic.
  • End the essay with a conclusion
  • If time permits, read through the essay to ensure that there are no grammatical issues or factual errors.

Last, but not least, ensure that you do your research. Read through online journals, refer to online websites or watch any related media to help generate content for the essay.

“Social Networks represent the digital reflection of what humans do: we connect and share”

Social Network

Social Networking Essay – Sample 1 (200 words)

Social networking, in its most basic form, is the interaction of individuals with common interests over an online platform. This concept is a marvel of modern technology, enabling people around the globe to connect and interact.

However, the concept is not new; for centuries, people have gathered at major towns for the purpose of socialization. So, social networking can be seen as a modern extension of this age-old tradition. But the foundation for social networking wasn’t laid until the invention of the internet. The first iterations of the world wide web is a far cry from what we see today, nonetheless, it was a milestone in its own terms. Notable precursors to social networking sites emerged in the late 1990s. One of the very first social networking sites to gain traction in India is Orkut, and it hit peak popularity by 2008.

Today, the world is interconnected through social networks, helping people communicate without any hassles. As helpful as it sounds, social networking is not without its flaws. There are many downsides, ranging from online security and child safety to piracy and cyberbullying. Essentially, social networking is a double-edged sword. Therefore, measures need to be taken to prevent such events.

100 Words Essay on Social Media

Social Networking Essay – Sample 2 (500 words)

The world we live in is ever more connected, with people living across various geographic regions interacting in real-time without ever stepping outside their house. It is one of the marvels of modern technology, culminating years of progress and growth in the field of information and technology.

Social networking, in the most literal sense, can be defined as the interaction between individuals that share common interests over an online platform created to facilitate this activity. Though this concept has emerged within the last 50 years, the original idea dates back even further. The gathering at a village market, for the purpose of information or to talk about events, can be considered as a precursor to offline-networking. The limitations during those days were obvious, communication technology was almost non-existent and traveling half-way across the world was not feasible for most.

During the 1950s, a “typical” computer was the size of a small room and it used to weight at least 20-30 tons. Several decades later, the computer was feasibly small and affordable enough for the masses to buy. Therefore, the emergence of personal computers set the stage for the emergence of social networking. Another crucial component required for social networking is the internet. Initially, the internet’s very first iteration was called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), a project of the United States Defence. Hence, it was not accessible to the general public. As technology progressed, this concept became what we now know as the modern-day worldwide web.

The very first precursors to social networking platforms on the world wide web emerged during the 1990s. Geocities,, and had many of the functionalities now common in social networking platforms. These sites encouraged users to interact with others through chat rooms. Newer generations of social networking sites emerged in the early 2000s, with Orkut being the most well-known. It was launched in 2004 and gained a lot of popularity by 2008. In India, Orkut was one of the first social networking sites to have gained traction before the emergence of Facebook. Sites such as Linkedin is another type of social networking site that is employment-oriented but used many of the same features as other traditional social networking sites.

Today, social networking is an integral component of society. From being a strategic component of modern businesses to an important tool for teachers and students, social networking has immeasurable implications. However,  in the wrong hands, social networking sites can cause privacy and safety concerns. One of the biggest risks associated with social networking is cyberbullying. It can have disastrous repercussions on the morale of affected individuals.

Social Networking Essay Conclusion

Children are especially at risk since continuously monitoring their activities may not be feasible. Another major downfall of social networking is it absolutely kills productivity. It can waste valuable time and encourage procrastination. Strangely, social networking can also lead to domestic crimes such as burglary; posting about a trip on social media, check-in details and other information would provide would-be burglars with the information telling them when to strike. There are also reports of individuals who have had negative professional outcomes due to irresponsible action of social networking platforms.

The key takeaway here is, social networking is a powerful tool, and care must be taken to ensure no negative repercussion occurs.

FAQ’s on Social Networking Essay

Question 1.
What is social networking?

Social networking is defined as the interaction between individuals over an online social platform who may or may not share common interests.

Question 2.
What is the end goal of social networking?

The end goal of social networking is to build relationships or to maintain existing ones. Relations can be professional or among acquaintances, friends or family.

Question 3.
Which was the first and most popular social networking site in India?

Orkut was the very first social networking site to gain traction. However, it is not the first social networking site.

Question 4.
Is social networking important?

Social networking is an important element in today’s world. However, it has the potential to be misused.

Question 5.
Give a few examples of social networking sites.

Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitch, Twitter, etc.

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