Plus One Economics Model Question Papers Paper 2 are part of Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers. Here we have given Plus One Economics Model Question Papers Paper 2.
Board | SCERT |
Class | Plus One |
Subject | Economics |
Category | Plus One Previous Year Question Papers |
Plus One Model Economics Question Papers Paper 2
Time Allowed: 2 hours
Cool off time: 15 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 60
Answer Question number 1, which carries 5 scores.
Question 1.
Match the columns ‘B’ and ‘C’ with column ‘A’
A | B | C |
a. Smallscale Industry | Taxation | 1955 |
b.Public Expenditure | Karve Committee | Fiscal Policy |
c. Liberalization | Median | NCERT |
d. UGC | Privatization | Percentile |
e. Quartiles | SCERT | Globalisation |
Answer all questions from question numbers 2 to 6. Each Carry 1 score
Question 2.
As per 2009-2010, the State in India incur the highest per capita expenditure on education is
a. Kerala
b. Punjab
c. Himachal Pradesh
d. Madhya Pradesh
Question 3.
Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of the future generation is called
a. economic development
b. social development
c. sustainable development
d. economic growth
Question 4.
Data represented through a histogram can help in the finding graphically the……………
a. mean
b. mode
c. median
d. standard deviation
Question 5.
When the coefficient of correlation, r =0, there is
a. positive correlation
b. no correlation
c. negative correlation
d. none of these
Question 6.
Athira plotted the values of two variables X and Y in a scatter diagram as follows. The nature of correlation here is………….
a. Perfect positive
b. Perfect negative
c. Positive
d. Negative
Answer all questions from question numbers 7 to 11. Each carries 2 scores.
Question 7.
Name some notable economists who estimated India’s per capita income during the colonial period
Question 8.
Compare and constract the terms relative and absolute poverty. Do you think absolute poverty exists in your neighbourhood.
Question 9.
In your view, is it essential for the government to regulate the fee structure in education and health care institutions? Give reason in support of your, answer.
Question 10.
Give the names of two government organisations that regulate the health and education sectors in India.
Question 11.
What do you mean by rural development? Bring out the key issues in rural development.
Answer any 6 questions from question numbers 12 to 18. Each carries 3 scores.
Question 12.
Heights of 10 plants in a garden are given below.
a. Find of the mean height.
b. State the interesting property of A.M
Question 13.
Find the simple aggregative price index for the following selected commodities.
Question 14.
Given below are the seats won by different political parties of a state assembly election.
Political Parties | A | B | C | D | E |
Seats Won | 75 | 55 | 37 | 29 | 10 |
Draw a simple bar diagram to represent the polling results.
Question 15.
Explain the two categories into which infrastructure is divided. How are both independent?
Question 16.
“During the colonial rule, there was neither growth nor equity in the agricultural sector.”
1. Name the two measures adopted by the policy makers of independent India to resolve this.
2. State the features of any one.
Question 17.
What is sustainable development?
Question 18.
Distinguish between bar diagram and histogram.
(Hint: Not to draw diagrams)
Answer any 4 questions from question numbers 19 to 23. Each carries 4 scores.
Question 19.
The Following data shows daily
Question 20.
Identify the factors responsible for land degradation in India.
Question 21.
The following information relates to the daily income of 150 families. Calculate the arithmetic mean.
Income in Rs. | Number of families |
Less than 85 | 10. |
Less than 95 | 35 |
Less than 105 | 55 |
Less than 115 | 80 |
Less than 125 | 90 |
Less than 135 | 110 |
Less than 145 | 125 |
Less than 150 | 150 |
Question 22.
Scatter diagrams show the visual presentation of correlation.
a. Draw scatter diagrams showing positive correlation and negative correlation.
b. Point out one example each for positive correlation and negative correlation.
Question 23.
Critically evaluate the poverty alleviation programmes in India.
Answer any 2 questions from question numbers 24 to 26. Each carries 5 scores.
Question 24.
Calculate the single aggregate price index for 2008 taking 1998 as the base year from the following data.
Commodities | A | B | C | D | E |
Price in 1998 (Rs) | 200 | 60 | 160 | 180 | 30 |
Price in 2008 (Rs) | 220 | 120 | 180 | 200 | 30 |
Question 25.
Critically evaluate the poverty alleviation programmes in India
Question 26.
While explaining the features of globalization, your Economics teacher says “outsourcing is one of the important outcomes of the globalization process”. Examine how outsourcing helps the Indian economy.
Answer any 2 questions from question numbers 27 to 29. Each carries 8 scores.
Question 27.
The following are the marks obtained for the class test of 10 students in a class for Economics and History.
Marks for Economics | Marks for History |
50 | 35 |
60 | 40 |
25 | 21 |
57 | 25 |
72 | 29 |
36 | 50 |
68 | 62 |
72 | 52 |
30 | 65 |
38 | 45 |
Question 28.
Distinguish between census survey and sample survey.
Question 29.
The following data shows the marks obtained by 50 students of a class in a test.
Marks | Number of students |
0-10 | 5 |
10-20 | 4 |
20-30 | 10 |
30-40 | 9 |
40-50 | 7 |
50-60 | 3 |
60-70 | 5 |
70-80 | 7 |
Find the arithmetic mean, median, and mode
Answer 1.
A | B | C |
a Small scale Industry | Karve Committee | 1955 |
b.Public Expenditure | Taxation | Fiscal Policy |
c. Liberalization | Privatizattion | Globalisation |
e. Quartiles | Median | Percentile |
Answer 2.
Himachal Pradesh
Answer 3.
Sustainable development
Answer 4.
Answer 5.
b. No correlation
Answer 6.
c. Positive
Answer 7.
Dadabhai Naoroji, William Digby, VKRVRao and RC Desai.
Answer 8.
Absolute poverty is defined as the inability to achieve the minimum requirement of life, health, and efficiency as a result of a very low level of income. On the other hand, relative poverty makes a comparison of relative levels of income of different people or groups of population to determine who poor. Yes, absolute poverty exists in my neighborhood.
Answer 9.
Yes, High fees are to be reduced or regulated due to the following reasons.
Answer 10.
Education sector
Health sector
Answer 11.
Following are the key issues in rural development.
Answer 12.
Answer 13.
Commodities | P0 | P1 |
A | 20 | 40 |
B | 50 | 60 |
C | 40 | 50 |
D | 20 | 30 |
Total | 130 | 180 |
= 1.3846 x 100 = 138.46
Answer 14.
Answer 15.
Infrastructure is broadly categorised as
1. Social Infrastructure:- It refers to the core elements of social change which serve as a foundation for the process of social development of a contributes to economic processes indirectly and from outside the system of production and distribution.
2. Economic Infrastructure:- It refers to all such elements of economic change which serve as a foundation for the process of economic growth.
Answer 16.
- Land reforms
- Green revolution
- Land reforms
At the time of independence, the land tenure system was charactrized by intermediaries. Who merely collected rent from the actual tillers of the soil without contributing towards improvements on the farm. The low productivity of the agricultural sector forced India to import food from the United States of America. Equity in agriculture called for land reforms which primarily refer to change in the ownership of landholding.
Answer 17.
It refers to the development strategy to interruption till the resource extraction was not above the rate of regeneration of the resource and the wastes generated were within the assimilating capacity of the environment But today, environment fails to perform its third and vital function of the sustenance resulting in an environmental crisis. The rising population of the developing countries and the affluent consumption and production standards of the developed world have placed huge stress on the environment in terms of its first two functions.
Answer 18.
Bar diagram | Histogram |
Bar diagram comprised agro up of equispaced | A histogram is a two-dimensional diagram |
Equal width rectangular bars | the width may be different |
Space is left between adjacent bar | No space is left |
Draw for discrete and continues variables. | Drawn for continuous variable only |
Not help to determine any average | Help to determine made |
Answer 19.
Answer 20.
Land degradation is a process in which the value of the biophysical environment is affected by a combination of human-induced processes acting upon the land.
The factor responsible for land degradation in India are:
- Loss of vegetation occurring due to deforestation.
- Dumping of non-biodegradable fresh, such as plastics
- Shifting cultivation
- Encroachment into forest lands
- Forest fires and overgrazing.
- Non-adoption of adequte soil conservation measures.
- Improper crop rotation.
- Indiscriminate use of agrochemicals Such as fertilizers and pesticides.
- Improper plannig and management of irrigation system.
- Extraction of groundwater in excess of the recharge capacity.
Answer 21.
Arithmetic Mean
Class | f | m | fm |
75-85 | 10 | 80 | 800 |
85-95 | 25 | 90 | 2250 |
95-105 | 20 | 100 | 2000 |
105-115 | 25 | 110 | 2750 |
115-125 | 10 | 120 | 1200 |
125-135 | 20 | 130 | 2600 |
135-145 | 5 | 140 | 2100 |
145-155 | 25 | 150 | 3750 |
150 | 17450 |
Answer 22.
Answer 23.
Through the policy towards poverty alleviation has evolved in a progressive maimer but over the last five and a half decades it has not undergone any radical transformation.
The three major area of concern which prevents the successful implementation of the programs, they are:
1. These programs depend mainly on government and bank officials for their implementation since such officials are ill-motivated, the resources are inefficiently used and wasted.
2. Unequal distribution of land and other assets due to the benefits have been availed by the non-poor.
3. In comparison to the magnitude of poverty the amount of resource allocated for these programme is not sufficient
Answer 24.
Calculate simple agregate price index
Answer 25.
Critical Assessment of Poverty Alleviation Programmes: Through the policy towards poverty alleviation has evolved in a progressive manner but gone any radical transformation. Scholars state three major areas of concern which prevent the success implementation of the programs they are-
- Unequal distribution of land and other assets due to the benefits have been availed by the non-poor.
- In comparison to the magnitude of poverty, the amount of resources allocated for these programmes is not sufficient.
- These programs depend mainly on government and bank officials for their implementation since such officials are ill-motivated, inadequately trained, corruption-prone and vulnerable to pressure from a variety of local cities, the resources are inefficiently used and wasted.
Answer 26.
Outsourcing is one of the important outcomes of the globalization process. In outsourcing, a company hires regular service from external sources, mostly from other countries, which was previously provided internally or from within the country (like legal advice, computer service, advertisement, security-each provided by respective departments of the company).
Answer 27.
Standard Deviation is the positive square root of the mean of squared deviations from mean. So if there are five values X1 , X2, X3, X4 and X5, first their mean is calculated. Then deviations of the values from mean are calculated. These deviations are then squared. The mean of these squared deviations is the variance. The positive square root of the variance is the standard deviation.
Answer 28.
A survey, which inculdes every elements of the population is known as Census or the Method of complete Enumeration. The essential feature of this method is that this covers every individual unit in the entire population
Sample survey:- Population or the Universe in statistics means the totality of the items understudy. Thus, the population or the Universe is a group to which the results of the study are intended to apply. There are two methods of sampling namely, random sampling and non-random sampling. They are explained below.
Answer 29.
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