Physics Symbols and Their Names

Physics Symbols: All Physics Symbols and Their Names Pdf are covered in this page, we are also providing Greek Symbols in Physics and there units and quantity.

Physics Symbols and Their Names

List of Physics Symbols and Their Names

Symbols used to denote physical quantities related to space and time:

SymbolQuantity/ CoefficientsS.I Unit
rRadius, the radius of curvatureMeter
θ, φAngular displacement, angular separation, the rotational angleMeter
x, y, zCartesian coordinatesUnitless
î, ĵ, k̂Cartesian unit vectorsUnitless
r, θ, φSpherical coordinatesMeter/Radian
r̂, θ̂, φ̂Spherical unit vectorsUnitless
r, θ, zCylindrical coordinatesMeter/Radian
r̂, θ̂, ẑCylindrical unit vectorsUnitless
Normal unit vectorUnitless
Tangential unit vectorUnitless
hHeight, depthMeter
ℓ, LLengthMeter
A, AAreaSquare meter
VVolumeCubic meter
tTime, durationSecond
TPeriodic timeSecond
τTime ConstantSecond
ωAngular frequencyRadian per second

Symbols used to denote physical quantities related to Mechanics:

SymbolQuantity/ CoefficientsS.I Unit
vVelocity, speedmeter per second
aAccelerationmeter per second squared
acCentripetal/Centrifugal accelerationmeter per second squared
gAcceleration due to gravitymeter per second squared
F/WForce due to gravity/WeightNewton
Fn, NNormal force, normalNewton
FfForce of frictionNewton
µCoefficient of frictionUnitless
pMomentumKilogram meter per second
JImpulseNewton second
KKinetic energyJoule
UPotential energyJoule
VgGravitational potentialJoule per kilogram
ωRotational speed, rotational velocityRadian per second
αRotational accelerationRadian per second squared
τTorqueNewton meter
IMoment of inertiaKilogram meter squared
LAngular momentumKilogram meter squared per second
HAngular impulseNewton meter second
kSpring constantNewton per meter
τShear stressPascal
ρDensity, volume mass densityKilogram per cubic meter
σArea mass densityKilogram per square meter
λLinear mass densityKilogram per meter
FB, BBuoyancyNewton
qmMass flow rateKilogram per second
qVVolume flow rateCubic meter per second
FD, RDrag or air resistanceNewton
CDDrag coefficientUnitless
νKinematic viscositySquare meter per second
MaMach numberUnitless
ReReynolds numberUnitless
FrFroude numberUnitless
EYoung’s modulus of elasticityPascal
GShear modulus of rigidityPascal
KBulk modulus of compressionPascal
εLinear strainUnitless
γShear strainUnitless
θVolume strainUnitless
γSurface tensionNewton per meter

Symbols used to denote physical quantities related to thermal physics:

SymbolQuantity/CoefficientsS.I Unit
COPCoefficient of performanceUnitless
wWays, number of identical microstatesUnitless
SEntropyJoule per kelvin
UInternal energyJoule
kThermal conductivityWatt per meter Kelvin
PHeat flow rateWatt
NNumber of particlesUnitless
nAmount of substanceMole
LLatent heat/specific latent heatJoule per kilogram
cSpecific heat capacityJoule per kilogram Kelvin
ΒVolume expansivity, coefficient of volume thermal expansionInverse kelvin
αLinear expansivity, coefficient of thermal expansionInverse kelvin

Symbols used to denote physical quantities related to Waves and Optics:

SymbolQuantity/CoefficientsS.I Unit
fFocal lengthMeter
nIndex of refractionUnitless
LLevelDecibel, decineper
IIntensityWatt per square meter
v, cWave speedMeter per second
PPower of a lensDioptre

Symbols used to denote physical quantities related to Electricity and Magnetism:

SymbolQuantity/CoefficientsS.I Unit
SPoynting vector, intensityWatt per square meter
ηEnergy densityJoule per cubic meter
nTurns per unit lengthInverse meter
NNumber of turnsUnitless
ΦBMagnetic fluxWeber
BMagnetic fieldTesla
FBMagnetic forceNewton
σConductivitySiemens per meter
R, rElectric resistance/internal resistanceOhm
IElectric currentAmpere
ϵDielectric constantUnitless
Electromotive force (emf)Volt
Vvoltage, electric potentialVolt
UEElectric potential energyJoule
ΦEElectric fluxNewton meter squared per coulomb
EElectric fieldNewton per coulomb/volt per meter
FEElectrostatic forceNewton
λLinear charge densityKilogram per meter
σArea charge densityKilogram per square meter
ρVolume charge densityKilogram per cubic meter
q, QElectric chargeCoulomb

Symbols used in modern physics:

SymbolQuantity/CoefficientsS.I Unit
DDose/ dose absorbedgray
ψ(r,t), ψ(r)φ(t)Wave functionUnitless
ΦWork functionJoule
HEffective doseSievert
ΓLorentz factor/Lorentz gammaUnitless