PE3402 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering, Anna University regulation 2021, awarding the subject code PE3402 deals with the semester IV Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Syllabus. We hope that provide the syllabus in a detailed manner in one place.

Hence this article PE3402 – Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics syllabus, assists in acquiring knowledge regarding the subject. We include required textbooks and references to help you to prepare for academic examinations. Having a grip on the topics will help you to make proper notes, and effective strategies to complete reading the syllabus. It could be a plus point to revise the whole syllabus just by seeing the topics of the syllabus in one place, just by having the screenshots, images, and notes from an effective syllabus page, right? The following article will help you to have that information. Hope it is useful to you. Gain Knowledge and Become Inspirational.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.Tech Petroleum Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Anna University Regulation 2021.

Aim Of Objective:

To enable the students to learn PVT behavior of fluids, laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic property relations, and their application to fluid flow, power generation, and refrigeration processes.

PE3402 – Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Syllabus

Unit I:

Scope of thermodynamics, basic concepts and definitions, Equilibrium state and phase rule, Energy, Work, Temperature and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible process, Ideal gas- Equation of State involving ideal and real gas, Law of corresponding states, Compressibility chart, First Law of Thermodynamics and its consequences.

Unit II:

Joule’s experiment, internal energy, enthalpy, Application of first Law of Thermodynamics for Flow and nonflow processes. Limitations of the first Law, statements of second Law of Thermodynamics and its Applications, Heat Engine, Heat Pump/Refrigerator, Carnot cycle and Carnot theorem, Thermodynamic Temperature scale, Entropy, Clausius inequality, Third law of thermodynamics.

PE3402 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Unit III:

Refrigeration and liquefaction process, Thermodynamic Potentials, thermodynamic correlation, Maxwell relations, criteria for Equilibria and stability. Clapeyron equation.

Unit IV:

Partial molar properties, ideal and non-ideal solutions, standard states definition and choice, Gibbs-Duhem equation, activity and property change of mixing, excess properties of mixtures.

Unit V:

Activity coefficient-composition models, thermodynamic consistency of phase equilibria, chemical reaction equilibria, Extent of reaction, equilibrium constant, and standard free energy change.

Text Books:

1. Sonntag, Borgnakke, Van Wylen, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, 7th Edition, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2009.
2. Narayanan, K.V. A Textbook of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Prentice Hall India, 2004.
3. Smith, van Ness and Abbott, “Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, 7th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 2005.


1. S. I. Sandler, Chemical, Biochemical and Engineering Thermodynamics, Wiley New York, 2006.
2. Y V C Rao, “Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, Universities Press, Hyderabad 2005.
3. Pradeep Ahuja,” Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, PHI Learning Ltd (2009).
4. GopinathHalder,” Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, PHI Learning Ltd (2009).

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