PE3401 - Drilling Fluids and Cementing Techniques Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering, Anna University regulation 2021, awarding the subject code PE3401 deals with the semester IV Drilling Fluids and Cementing Techniques Syllabus. We hope that provide the syllabus in a detailed manner in one place.

Hence this article PE3401 – Drilling Fluids and Cementing Techniques syllabus, assists in acquiring knowledge regarding the subject. We include required textbooks and references to help you to prepare for academic examinations. Having a grip on the topics will help you to make proper notes, and effective strategies to complete reading the syllabus. It could be a plus point to revise the whole syllabus just by seeing the topics of the syllabus in one place, just by having the screenshots, images, and notes from an effective syllabus page, right? The following article will help you to have that information. Hope it is useful to you. Gain Knowledge and Become Inspirational.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.Tech Petroleum Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Anna University Regulation 2021.

Aim Of Objective:

To enable the students to understand the types of drilling fluids and cementing techniques.

PE3401 – Drilling Fluids and Cementing Techniques Syllabus

Unit I:

Introduction to the basic functions and properties of drilling fluids and cement slurries. Compositions and related properties of drilling fluids and cement slurries.

Unit II:

Drilling fluids – classification – water-base drilling fluids. Testing of drilling fluids. Drilling fluid additives.

Unit III:

Types of equipment and methods used in cementing operations. Drilling fluid and cement slurry hydraulics.

PE3401 - Drilling Fluids and Cementing Techniques Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Unit IV:

Determination of torque and drag. Calculation of cutting transport efficiency. Placement technique of cement. Gas migration through cement columns.

Unit V:

Will cementing – chemistry of cement. Cementing principles – primary cementing, secondary cementing, linear cementing, plug cementing, single-stage cementing, multistage casing cementing.

Text Books:

  1. Rabia.H. ‘Oil Well Drilling Engineering, Principles And Practices’ Graham And Trotman Ltd. 1985.
  2. Smith. P.K, ’Cementing’ SPE Publications 2nd Edition 1976.
  3. Cementing Technology – Powel Schlumberger Publication 1984.


  1. Mc.Cray. A.W and Cole. F.W. ‘Oil Well Drilling Technology’ University of Oklahoma Press, Norman 1959.
  2. Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering. 2nd Edition. William C Lyons, Gary C Plisga. Gulf Profession.

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