NIOS DElEd Notification 2018 2nd Exam: Date, Status, Admit Card, Result
NIOS DElEd Notification is being released through its official website. The NIOS has provided the admit card for NIOS DElEd 2018 2nd Exam. The candidates must download it through online mode just by giving details like their Registration Number and date of birth. A direct link for downloading the NIOS DElEd 2018 Admit Card for the 2nd exam is also given on this page in NIOS DElEd Notification option.

Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) programme is a particularly planned package for in service teachers who are not trained working in primary/ upper primary schools of various states of the country. The program has been grown by the Academic Department, NIOS leaded by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India.
The Programme focuses at allowing the choose group to expertise in their skills, competencies, attitudes and understanding to make teaching and learning more beneficial. Presently all the Untrained In-Service Teachers registered for the examination for D.El.Ed. Programme of NIOS and all Stakeholders affected that the subject, the 2nd Public Examination will be conducted. Desired teachers who want to continue this programme can check more details like application process, admit card, eligibility, entrance exam etc. from this page.
NIOS DElEd Exam 2018
Second Public Examination will be organized for all the In-Service Teachers who are not trained and registered for the examination for D.El.Ed. Programme of NIOS and all Stakeholders distressed that the subject. Schedule for second examination is given below. NIOS DElEd is particularly planned package for in service teachers who are untrained pursuing their work in primary/ upper primary schools of various states of the country. Online application, for the same were released according to the schedule. We have gathered comprehensive information about NIOS DElEd to aid aspiring teachers. Scroll down to check the info.
NIOS DElEd Exam Dates 2018
Subject Name and Code | Dates of exam |
Elementary Education in India Subject: A socio -cutural perspective (501) | 25 Sep 2018 |
Pedagogic Process in Elementary School (502) | 26 Sep 2018 |
Learning languages at Elementary Level (503) | 27 Sep 2018 |
Learning Mathematics at Elementary Level (504) | 28 Sep 2018 |
Learning Environmental Studies at Primary Level (505) | 29 Sep 2018 |
NIOS DElEd Registration : Exam Form
NIOS DElEd Application Status : Aspiring Candidates who want to give NIOS DElEd 2018 Exam can apply online from Candidates must register themselves if they want to appear in NIOs DElEd Entrance examination. Application form is provided according to the schedule. Note that without successful payment of application fee, form is incomplete and will be rejected. Candidates can check the details given in application fee from the table given below.
Name of the subject & subject code | Examination fee |
Elementary Education in India Subject: A socio -cutural perspective (501) | Rs. 250/- |
Pedagogic Process in Elementary School (502) | Rs. 250/- |
Learning languages at Elementary Level (503) | Rs. 250/- |
Learning Mathematics at Elementary Level (504) | Rs. 250/- |
Learning Environmental Studies at Primary Level (505) | Rs. 250/- |
According to the official website there is no firm date of publishing of admit cards for NIOS DElEd. Anyways, candidates can download it from the official website or from the admit card page provided in quick link once it is published. Admit cards can be downloaded by registration no., date of birth or password. Candidates may please note that they must carry with them it at the examination center, failing of which no candidate will be permitted inside it. Candidates should keep themselves up to date with the official website from time to time.
NIOS DElEd Result 2018
NIOS DElEd result will be announced once the examination process gets completed successfully. Candidates can download their result by giving their Roll no., registration no., date of birth etc. in their particular fields. Merit list will be declared on the official website or a direct link will be offered here. Merit list will be designed on the basis of their performance in entrance exam.
NIOS DElEd Study Material
NIOS DElEd exam is advanced towards. Candidates can take aid from the study material to quickly finish their preparation. Study material will act as a speed revision for those who are prepared for NIOS DElEd. NIOS DElEd study material is provided at study material section given in quick link. It can be accessible in pdf format and can be downloaded from there.
NIOS DElEd Assignment
Course established assignment is a fundamental and significant part of the instructional system. These assignments are to be yielded to the Study Centre. Assignments can be downloaded from the NIOS website. Every candidate has to write their assignment which carries weightage of 30 marks. Writing and presenting of assignment is compulsory.
Candidates may have many doubts on NIOS DElEd. There are most often asked questions which can successfully clear candidate’s doubts. Candidates can examine the FAQs from the link that is given below.
NIOS DElEd Brochure 2018 : This is only a reference purpose to view application form, admit card, answer key, result or any other information. Application form, Admit card, Answer Key, Result are available on the official website