NIOS DElEd Assignment 2018
NIOS DElEd Assignment is the important part of this process. The elementary teacher education programme via open and distance learning system is calculated essentially for upgrading professional development i.e. skills, competencies, attitudes and grasping to build teaching and learning more effective for working teachers in the elementary schools. It is compulsory for professionally qualified teachers in schools at the elementary level. The significant aim of the program is to allow the teachers to perceive and address diversity in his/her context and expand capacity in a teacher to advertise child-friendly, child centered procedures in schools.

NIOS DElEd assignments were issued for various courses in different subjects for the candidates. Candidates can get their access through these assignments for the numerous courses from the table below. The registration can be done via the Swayam portal by having a look at the official website Candidates can examine the assignments from the table given in the page below. All information concerning NIOS DElEd Assignment 2018 is given in the page below.
NIOS DElEd Assignment 2018 will be declared by NIOS for the candidates. Candidates are required to submit the assignments to the respective study centre as per the schedule. The assignments can have access from the official website or direct links are also provided in the table below.
NIOS DElEd Assignment Pdf
Course Code | Subject |
NIOS DElEd Assignment 501 | Elementary Education in India: A Socio-Cultural Perspective |
NIOS DElEd Assignment 502 | Pedagogic Processes in Elementary Schools |
NIOS DElEd Assignment 503 | Learning Languages at Elementary Level |
NIOS DElEd Assignment 504 | Learning Mathematics at Elementary Level |
NIOS DElEd Assignment 505 | Learning Environmental Studies at Elementary Level |
NIOS DElEd Assignment Submission
Assignments are computerized and an important and innate part of the instruction system. Candidates will have an access to download the assignments from the official website of NIOS. It consists of 3 assignments for each subject carrying 30 marks in each course and passing marks are 12. The coordinator of the study centre will be given with Login-id and password by NIOS HQs and coordinator will utilize the ID and password to record and submit the assignment marks online.
Submission on the response of NIOS D.EL.ED. Assignments
- Make sure that the assignment-response is finished in all respects.
- Follow the format strictly.
- If you do not follow the given format of assignment writing, NIOS will not approve your submission. It will return your response for re-submission.
- Make sure that you have entered your enrollment number and address. If you give these a miss, your assignment-response may get undetected.
- Avoid incomplete responses. If you send the answers in piecemeal, they may never be put together in the office and you may get poor grade.
- Do not go for very thin kind writing paper. Perhaps use ordinary writing paper and must use only foolscap size paper for your answer.
- In the assignment response, leaving a 3/2 margin on the left side and at least 4 lines in between each answer. This will aid the resource person to examine the response suitably and write the suitable comments at the proper places.
- Remember to keep a copy of the assignment responses that you send. You may need it in a situation when the sent assignment gets lost in postal transit or you are examined to re-submit it for any other sounded reason.
- Answer the questions based on the SLM sent to you.