ME8793 - Process Planning and Cost Estimation Syllabus Regulation 2017

Code – ME8793, this article about B.E/B.Tech./B.Arch Mechanical Engineering Semester VII Process Planning and Cost Estimation syllabus. Students are requested to make notes or PDFs of the semester in Process Planning and Cost Estimation for effective preparation from here. It will help you to understand what are the topics in the syllabus of Process Planning and Cost Estimation.

And to make preparation strategies to score well in the examinations. Unit-wise detailed syllabus is given below in one place, in the following article ME8793 – Process Planning and Cost Estimation. If the information helps you, kindly share it with your classmates.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E Mechanical Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree programme. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E Mechanical Engineering Syllabus Anna University Regulation 2017.

Aim Of Concept:
To introduce the process planning concepts to make cost estimation for various products after process planning.

ME8793 – Process Planning and Cost Estimation Syllabus

Unit I: Introduction To Process Planning

Introduction – methods of process planning-Drawing interpretation-Material evaluation – steps in process selection – Production equipment and tooling selection.

Unit II: Process Planning Activities

Process parameters calculation for various production processes – Selection jigs and fixtures election of quality assurance methods – Set of documents for process planning – Economics of process planning – case studies.

Unit III: Introduction To Cost Estimation

Importance of costing and estimation – methods of costing-elements of cost estimation – Types of estimates – Estimating procedure – Estimation labor cost, material cost – allocation of over head charges- Calculation of depreciation cost.

ME8793 - Process Planning and Cost Estimation Syllabus Regulation 2017

Unit IV: Production Cost Estimation

Estimation of Different Types of Jobs – Estimation of Forging Shop, Estimation of Welding Shop, Estimation of Foundry Shop.

Unit V: Machining Time Calculation

Estimation of Machining Time – Importance of Machine Time Calculation – Calculation of Machining Time for Different Lathe Operations, Drilling and Boring – Machining Time Calculation for Milling, Shaping and Planning – Machining Time Calculation for Grinding.

Text Books:

  1. Peter scalon, “Process planning, Design/Manufacture Interface”, Elsevier science technology Books, Dec 2002.
  2. Sinha B.P, “Mechanical Estimating and Costing”, Tata-McGraw Hill publishing co, 1995.


  1. Chitale A.V. and Gupta R.C., “Product Design and Manufacturing”, 2nd Edition, PHI, 2002.
  2. Ostwalal P.F. and Munez J., “Manufacturing Processes and systems”, 9th Edition, John Wiley, 1998.
  3. Russell R.S and Tailor B.W, “Operations Management”, 4th Edition, PHI, 2003.
  4. Mikell P. Groover, “Automation, Production, Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing”, Pearson Education 2001.
  5. K.C. Jain & L.N. Aggarwal, “Production Planning Control and Industrial Management”, Khanna Publishers 1990.

If you want to check the syllabus of other branches provided by Anna University, Anna University syllabus Regulation 2017 will assist you in a clear path. Hope you find the required details.

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