Little Girls Wiser than Men Summary

Little Girls Wiser than Men” is a short story written by Leo Tolstoy. The story revolves around two girls, Akoulya and Malasha, who initially play together but later have a conflict for certain reasons. Read More English Summaries.

Little Girls Wiser than Men Summary

Little Girls Wiser than Men Summary in English

It was an early Easter. Water ran in streams down the village street. The dirty water ran through the farmyards. It had formed a large puddle. A small and a little bigger girl in new frocks met in a lane between two homesteads. The little one wore a blue frock and the other wore a yellow print. Soon they took to splashing about in the water. Akoulya (the older girl) checked Malasha from stepping into the puddle with shoes and stockings.

Both the girls removed their shoes and stockings. Both got near each other. Malasha plumped down her foot into the water. It spoiled Akoulya’s frock. Getting angry, she ran after Malasha to strike her. Malasha tried to run home. Just then Akoulya’s mother, happend to be passing. Akoulya told her about Malasha’s spoiling her frock. The mother struck Malasha hard. Malasha started howling loudly. Her mother came out. She scolded Akoulya’s mother. The two mothers had an angry quarrel and came to blows. They ignored the advice of Akoulya’s old grandmother.

Little Girls Wiser than Men Summary Class 11 

Just then Akoulya wiped the mud off her frock. She returned to the puddle. She made a channel. The water of the puddle ran out in the street. Malasha joined her and helped her in the digging of the channel. The two girls ran towards each other. Then they joined the crowd. All the men and women felt ashamed. They left quarrelling and fighting over the girls playing happily together.