IT3511 – Full Stack Web Development Laboratory Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Subject code IT3511 deals with the subject Full Stack Web Development Laboratory of semester V from Information Technology, Anna University based on regulation 2021. In this article, we discuss the syllabus of the Full Stack Web Development Laboratory in a detailed manner.

We aim to provide the following article IT3511 – Full Stack Web Development Laboratory Syllabus with details. It will assist the students in preparing for examinations. We include the required syllabus, along with the textbooks and references added to this article. Hope you find the details required as per your needs. As per my knowledge, we included everything required in this article. Hope this information is useful. Comment below if you need more info from our website. Aplustopper will try to fulfill your needs regarding the subject.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.Tech Agricultural Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.Tech Information Technology Syllabus Anna University, Regulation 2021.

Aim Of Concept:

  • To develop full stack applications with clear understanding of user interface, business logic and data storage.
  • To design and develop user interface screens for a given scenario
  • To develop the functionalities as web components as per the requirements
  • To implement the database according to the functional requirements
  • To integrate the user interface with the functionalities and data storage.

IT3511 – Full Stack Web Development Laboratory Syllabus

List Of Experiments:

The Instructor can choose the technology stack to develop the following full stack experiments – based on the Full Stack Web Development Theory Course.

  1. Develop a portfolio website for yourself which gives details about yourself for a potential recruiter.
  2. Create a web application to manage the TO-DO list of users, where users can login and manage their to-do items
  3. Create a simple micro blogging application (like twitter) that allows people to post their content which can be viewed by people who follow them.
  4. Create a food delivery website where users can order food from a particular restaurant listed in the website.
  5. Develop a classifieds web application to buy and sell used products.
  6. Develop a leave management system for an organization where users can apply different types of leaves such as casual leave and medical leave. They also can view the available number of days.
  7. Develop a simple dashboard for project management where the statuses of various tasks are available. New tasks can be added and the status of existing tasks can be changed among Pending, InProgress or Completed.
  8. Develop an online survey application where a collection of questions is available and users are asked to answer any random 5 questions.

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Anna University Syllabus 2021