Subject code IE3461 deals with semester IV of the Optimization Laboratory Syllabus of Anna University based on regulation 2021. In this article, we would like to discuss the syllabus of Optimization Laboratory. Let’s see.
We aim to provide the unit-wise IE3461 – Optimization Laboratory syllabus. It will avoid confusion for students during the examination period. We added the required textbooks and references to the syllabus. I hope this information is useful. You better be quick to read the syllabus prior than the others and prepare well for examinations. Kindly read this article thoroughly and then share it with your classmates. A decent qualified certificate from the university will help you to reach heights The following syllabus will assist you.
If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E. Industrial Engineering and Management connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E. Industrial Engineering and Management Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University.
Aim Of Objectives:
- Give adequate exposure to use different optimization software packages for solving Operations Research problems.
- Practice to solve Linear programming problems.
- Learn problem solving techniques, writing algorithms and procedures.
- Solve optimization problems using ‘C’ programming language.
- Practice C code for simple logic on OR problem.
Laboratory Experiments:
- Experiment 1: LP Models formulation and solving using software.
- Experiment 2: Formulation of Transportation Problem and solving using software package.
- Experiment 3: Formulation of Assignment Problems and solving using software package.
- Experiment 4: Solving Maximal Flow problem.
- Experiment 5: Solving Minimal Spanning Tree problems.
- Experiment 6: Solving shortest route problems.
- Experiment 7: Solving Project Management problems.
- Experiment 8: Solving Waiting line problems.
- Experiment 9: Solving Queuing problems.
- Experiment 10: Solving Inventory problems.
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