Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Maths Mid-point and Intercept Theorems Ex 15.2

Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Maths Mid-point and Intercept Theorems Ex 15.2

Ex No: 15.2
Solution 1:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Maths Mid-point and Intercept Theorems Ex 15.2 1
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Maths Mid-point and Intercept Theorems Ex 15.2 2

Solution 2:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Maths Mid-point and Intercept Theorems Ex 15.2 3
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Maths Mid-point and Intercept Theorems Ex 15.2 4

Solution 3:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Maths Mid-point and Intercept Theorems Ex 15.2 5
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Maths Mid-point and Intercept Theorems Ex 15.2 6

Solution 4:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Maths Mid-point and Intercept Theorems Ex 15.2 7

Solution 5:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Maths Mid-point and Intercept Theorems Ex 15.2 8

Solution 6:
Note: This question is incomplete.
According to the information given in the question,
F could be any point on BC as shown below:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Maths Mid-point and Intercept Theorems Ex 15.2 9
So, this makes it impossible to prove that DP = DE, since P too would shift as F shift because P too would be any point on DE as F is.
Note: If we are given F to be the mid-point of BC, the result can be proved.
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Maths Mid-point and Intercept Theorems Ex 15.2 10

Solution 7:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Maths Mid-point and Intercept Theorems Ex 15.2 11

From the figure EF ∥ AB and E is the midpoint of BC.
Therefore, F is the midpoint of AC.
Here EF ∥ BD, EF = BD as D is the midpoint of AB.
BE ∥ DF, BE = DF as E is the midpoint of BC.
Therefore BEFD is a parallelogram.
Remark: Figure modified

Solution 8:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Maths Mid-point and Intercept Theorems Ex 15.2 12

Solution 9:
Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 9 Maths Mid-point and Intercept Theorems Ex 15.2 13
