Frank ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Maths
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Download Formulae Handbook For ICSE Class 9 and 10
- Compound Interest Ex 1.1 Ex 1.2 Ex 1.3 Ex 1.4 Ex 1.5 Ex 1.6 Ex 1.7
- Sales Tax and Value Added Tax Ex 2.1 Ex 2.2
- Banking Ex 3.1 Ex 3.2
- Shares and Dividends Ex 4.1 Ex 4.2 Ex 4.3
- Linear Inequations Ex 5.1
- Quadratic Equations Ex 6.1 Ex 6.2
- Problems Based On Quadratic Equations Ex 7.1
- Reflection Ex 8.1
- Ratio and Proportion Ex 9.1 Ex 9.2 Ex 9.3
- Remainder And Factor Theorems Ex 10.1
- Matrices Ex 11.1 Ex 11.2
- Distance and Section Formulae Ex 12.1 Ex 12.2 Ex 12.3
- Equation of A Straight Line Ex 13.1 Ex 13.2 Ex 13.3
- Symmetry Ex 14.1
- Similarity Ex 15.1 Ex 15.2
- Loci Ex 16.1
- Circles Ex 17.1 Ex 17.2 Ex 17.3
- Constructions Ex 18.1
- Mensuration I Ex 19.1
- Mensuration II Ex 20.1 Ex 20.2
- Trigonometric Identities Ex 21.1 Ex 21.2 Ex 21.3
- Heights and Distances Ex 22.1
- Graphical Representations Ex 23.1
- Measures Of Central Tendency Ex 24.1 Ex 24.2 Ex 24.3
- Probability Ex 25.1