EN3411 - Environmental Chemistry And Microbiology Laboratory Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

EN3411 subject code deals with the Environmental Chemistry And Microbiology Laboratory syllabus of B.E Environmental Engineering. In the second year, it is included in the semester IV. This subject deals with the statistics and probability concepts to explore. In this article, we include textbooks and references to guide you to some more extent.

We aim to provide a detailed syllabus of EN3411 Environmental Chemistry And Microbiology Laboratory. You can find unit-wise concepts and can easily make your preparations for examinations. It wouldn’t be difficult to find all the requirements in one place for the subject syllabus. This motto makes us provide this information to make it easy for you. Hope this information is useful. Don’t regret to share it with your classmates.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of other branches including B.E Environmental Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree programme. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E Environmental Engineering Syllabus Anna University, Regulation 2021.

Aim Of Concept:

  • To train in the analysis of physico-chemical parameters with hands on experience
  • To train the students in the analysis of various microbiological techniques, microbiological analysis, enzyme assay, pollutant analysis and operation of bioreactors.

EN3411 – Environmental Chemistry And Microbiology Laboratory Syllabus

A: Environmental Chemistry

  1. Estimation of hardness in Water sample by volumetric titration
  2. Estimation of Chloride in Water sample by volumetric titration
  3. Determination of sulphate
  4. Determination of phosphate
  5. Determination of Total Solids, Total suspended solids, Total dissolved solids
  6. Determination of COD in the wastewater sample
  7. Determination of BOD in the wastewater sample

B: Environmental Microbiology

  1. Preparation of culture media
  2. Isolation and Culturing of Microorganisms
  3. Gram Staining of bacteria
  4. Bacteriological analysis of wastewater (Coliforms & Streptococcus) – MPN Technique
  5. Bacteriological analysis of wastewater (Coliforms & Streptococcus MF technique


  1. APHA, “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”, 23rd Ed. Washington, 2017
  2. “Laboratory Manual for the Examination of water, wastewater soil, Rump, H.H. and Krist, H. – Second Edition, VCH, Germany, 3rd Edition, 1999.
  3. Charles P. Gerba, “Environmental Microbiology: A laboratory manual”, Elsevier Publications, 3rd, 2014

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Anna University Syllabus 2021