Welcome to our website. We are glad to provide the Semester III subject Instrumental Methods of Analysis of B. Tech. Chemical And Electrochemical Engineering, Anna University Syllabus. In this article, we included the required information regarding the syllabus. Let’s see more…
We aim to give the semester III EL3304 – Instrumental Methods of Analysis Syllabus to avoid confusion about the unit-wise syllabus. You can take notes from it. And Prepare strategies on how to read, from where to read, etc… It will become easy to learn about several topics. We included the required references and textbooks. Hope this information is useful. If you have any doubts regarding the syllabus please comment below. Never forget to share with your classmates.
If you want to know more about the B. Tech. Chemical And Electrochemical Engineering Syllabus connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B. Tech. Chemical And Electrochemical Engineering Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University.
Aim Of Objectives:
- To impart knowledge on the principle and importance of various analytical instruments used for the characterization of various materials.
EL3304 – Instrumental Methods of Analysis Syllabus
Unit – I: Introduction To Spectroscopical Methods Of Analysis
Electromagnetic radiation: various ranges, dual properties, various energy levels, interaction of photons with matter, absorbance & transmittance and their relationship, permitted energy levels for the electrons of an atom and simple molecules, various electronic transitions in organic and inorganic compounds effected by UV, and visible radiations, various energy level diagrams of saturated, unsaturated and carbonyl compounds, excitation by UV and visible radiations, choice of solvents, cut off wavelengths for solvents
Unit – II: Qualitative Analysis By UV And Visible Spectrocopy
Lamda max and epsilon max rules, Woodward -Fieser rules for the calculation of absorption maxima (Lamda max) for dienes and carbonyl compounds, Effects of auxochromes and effects of conjugation on the absorption maxima, Different shifts of absorption peaks(Bathochromic, hypsochromic, hypochromic), Instrumentation for UV and Visible spectrophotometers (source, optical parts and detectors), Applications of UV and Visible spectroscopy.
Unit – III: Quantitative analysis By UV And Visible Spectrocopy
Beer-Lambert’s law, limitations, deviations (real, chemical, instrumental), estimation of inorganic ions such as Fe, Ni and estimation of nitrite using Beer-Lambert’s law, multicomponent analysis (no overlap, single-way overlap and two-way overlap), photometric titration(experimental set -up and various types of titrations and their corresponding curves).
Unit – IV: IR Spectroscopy
Theory of IR spectroscopy, various stretching and vibration modes for diatomic and triatomic molecules (both linear and nonlinear), various ranges of IR (near, mid, fingerprint and far) and their usefulness, Instrumentation (only the sources and detectors used in different regions), sample preparation techniques, qualitative analysis of alkanes, alkenes and carbonyl compounds.
Unit – V: Chromatographic Methods
Classification of chromatographic methods, column, thin layer, paper, gas, High-Performance Liquid Chromatographical methods (principle, mode of separation and technique).
Text Books:
- Sivasankar B., “Instrumental Methods of Analysis”, Oxford University Press, 2012.
- William Kemp, Organic Spectroscopy, 3rd Edition, Palgrave Publishers, 2007.
- Douglas A. Skoog, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch, Instrumental Analysis, CENGAGE Learning, India, 7th Edition, 2007.
- Willard H.H, Merritt L.L, Dean J.A and Settle F.A, Instrumental method of analysis, 7th edition, Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1988.
- Gurdeep R. Chatwal, Sharma K. Anand, Instrumental methods of Chemical Analysis, Himalaya Publishers, New Delhi, 2014.
- John R Dyer, Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2012.
- Robert M. Silverstein, Francis X. Webster, David Kiemle, David L. Bryce, Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, Wiley, 8th Edition, 2010.
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