This blog article titled “Children Summary” aims to explore the significance of providing children with well-crafted summaries that capture the essence of a story or concept. By delving into the benefits of summaries for young readers and offering practical tips for creating effective summaries, this article seeks to empower parents, educators, and caregivers to foster a lifelong passion for learning in children. Read More Class 10 English Summaries.
Children Summary
Difficult Word Meanings Children
Perplex (पर्पलेक्स)-to feel confused and anxious because you do not understand something (चकित, भ्रमित); Vanish (वैनिश) – to disappear suddenly (अचानक गायब होना); Swallow (स्वॉलो)-a small song bird (एक छोटी गाने वाली चिड़िया); Brook (ब्रुक)-a small river (एक छोटी नदी); Autumn (ऑटम)-the season of the year between summer and winter (ग्रीष्म व शरद ऋतु के बीच का मौसम); Whisper (feat)- to speak very quietly to somebody so that other people cannot hear what you are saying (बुदबुदाना); Contrivings (कण्ट्राइविंग्स)-clever plans (चतुर योजना); Caress (करेस)-agentle touch or kiss to show you love somebody (प्रमपूर्ण स्पर्श); Ballad (बैलड)-a song or poem that tells a story (गाना या कविता); Ye (ये)-old use, a word meaning ‘you’ (“यू” शब्द का पुराना उपयोग)
Children Summary in English
Come to me, Oye children!
For I hear you at your play,
And the questions that perplexed me
Have vanished quite away.
Ye open the eastern windows,
That took towards the sun,
Where thoughts are singing swallows,
And the brooks of morning run.
In your hearts the birds and the sunshine,
In your thoughts the brooklet’s flow,
But in mine is the wind of Autumn
And the first fall of the snow.
Come to me, Oye children!
And whisper in my ear
What the birds and the winds are singing
In your sunny atmosphere.
For what are all our contrivings,
And the wisdom of our books,
When Compared with your caresses,
And the glandness of your looks?
Ye are better than all the ballads
That ever were sung or said,
For ye are living poems,
And all the rest are dead.