Subject code CB3412 deals with the Database Management Systems And Security Laboratory subject. In this article, we try to provide the syllabus of the CB3412 Database Management Systems And Security Laboratory syllabus based on the Affiliated Institutions of Anna University 2021 Regulation syllabus.
If you see nowadays, students are requesting brief descriptions of anything they want to know. Today social media platforms and search engines are running information throughout the world, just by searching the concept by the people. Especially when it comes to education, every subject in any field has been provided. There is a lot of demand to provide accurate education information in the market. Among them is tries to give the best of its content for students. In this article, the CB3412 – Database Management Systems And Security Laboratory Syllabus is given briefly without getting rid of a single concept of the subject from the Anna University B.E Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber security) syllabus.
If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber security) Syllabus connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber security) Syllabus Anna University, Regulation 2021.
Aim Of Concept:
- To learn and implement important commands in SQL.
- To learn the usage of nested and joint queries.
- To understand functions, procedures and procedural extensions of databases.
- To understand attacks on databases and to learn to defend against the attacks on databases.
- To learn to store and retrieve encrypted data in databases
CB3412 – Database Management Systems And Security Laboratory Syllabus
Practical Exercises:
- Create a database table, add constraints (primary key, unique, check, Not null), insert rows, update and delete rows using SQL DDL and DML commands.
- Create set of tables, add foreign key constraints and incorporate referential integrity.
- Query the database tables using different ‘where’ clause conditions and also implement aggregate functions.
- Query the database tables and explore sub-queries and simple join operations.
- Query the database tables and explore natural, equi and outer joins.
- Write user defined functions and stored procedures in SQL.
- Execute complex transactions and realize DCL and TCL commands.
- Write SQL Triggers for insert, delete, and update operations in database table.
- Use SQLi to authenticate as administrator, to get unauthorized access over sensitive data, to inject malicious statements into form field.
- Write programs that will defend against the SQLi attacks given in the previous exercise.
- Write queries to insert encrypted data into the database and to retrieve the data using decryption.
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