“Am I a Child” is a poem that reflects the perspective of children. It conveys the weariness of children who are unable to run or leap because they are burdened with cares and responsibilities. The poem highlights the contrast between the world of adults and the world of children. Read More English Summaries.
Am I a Child? Summary
Am I a Child? Central Idea of the Poem
The poem tries to find out the strange feelings of an adolescent. She has just left behind childhood but has not yet stepped into adulthood. She has a twinge of regret in the passing away of childhood and air of expectation for the approaching adulthood.
Am I a Child? Difficult Word Meanings
ripple (रिपल) to move or to make something move in very small waves छोटी-छोटी लहरों में आगे बढ़ना या बढ़ाना; cherish (चेरिश) protect and care for someone or something स्नेहपूर्वक देखभाल करना; dispute (डिस्प्यूट)-a disagreement between two people, groups or countries विवाद; stride (स्ट्राइड)-to walk with long steps in a particular direction लम्बे-लम्बे डग भरकर एक दिशा में चलना।
Am I a Child? Summary, Pronunciation & Translation
[1] Am I a child or an adult?
No! Not a child now my dolls are gone;
My dream world has rippled away.
I am tall, I understand adult talk,
But does that mean that I am an adult?
[2] Am I an adult or a child?
No! Not an adult-I could’t look after myself;
The understanding is just not there.
I pay a half fare on a bus to school,
But does that mean that I am a child?
[3] Am I a child or an adult?
No! Not a child now-it’s not a teddy I love;
His cherished position is taken.
Just because my toys have lost their value,
Does that mean that I am an adult?
[4] Am I an adult or a child?
No! Not an adult I do not see
The reasons for adult disputes;
I am safe in non-understanding.
But does that mean that I am a child?
[5] Well, am I a child or an adult?
No! Not one or the other now;
One pace in front of childhood,
And one behind an adult.
Soon I shall stride into a new world,
The world of adult life. -Margaret Lawrence