In this article subject code AI3611 deals with the CAD for Agriculture Machinery Laboratory Syllabus of Anna University B.Tech Agricultural Engineering syllabus, Regulation 2021. This will help you to understand the academic syllabus well in one place.
We include the unit-wise syllabus in this article AI3611 – CAD for Agriculture Machinery Laboratory Syllabus, to help the students get a detailed syllabus of this subject. Having a good knowledge of the topics in the syllabus of this subject, helps you to make your effective notes and strategies before someone else does from your fellow friends. This will simplify your process of searching for syllabi. Including the reference books and the required textbooks to read. The following article will help you to guide the syllabus unit-wise. Hoping this information is useful to you. Kindly share it with your classmates.
If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.Tech Agricultural Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.Tech Agricultural Engineering Syllabus Anna University, Regulation 2021.
Aim Of Objectives:
To draft the agricultural engineering-related machinery and structures manually and also by computer-aided methods.
- Design and Drawing of an Underground pipeline system.
- Design and Drawing of Check dam.
- Design and Drawing of Mould board plough.
- Design and Drawing of Disk plough.
- Design and Drawing of Post-harvest technology units (threshers and winnowers).
- Design and Drawing of Biogas plant.
- Introduction & demonstration on 3D modeling software like Pro/E, Creo, Solid Works, Solid Edge etc.
- Michael, A.M. “Irrigation Theory and Practice”, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999.
- Rai, G.D. “Nonconventional Sources of Energy”, Khanna publishers, New Delhi, 1995.
- Srivastava, A.C.” Elements of Farm Machinery”, Oxford and IBH Publications Co., New Delhi, 1990.
- Vijay Duggal. “A general guide to Computer Aided Design & Drafting, Mailmax Publications, 2000.
- Tadeusz Stolarski et al. “Engineering Analysis with ANSYS Software”, Butterworth Heinemann Publications, 2006.
- Louis Gary Lamit, “Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER” SDC Publications, 2004.
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