Advertisements are a crucial marketing tactic used to promote products, services, opinions, or causes to the public. They play a significant role in creating brand awareness, attracting potential customers, and convincing them to make purchases or support specific ideas. Read More English Summaries.
Advertisements Summary
Advertisements Difficult Word Meanings
advertisement (एडवरटाइजमेन्ट)-a notice, picture, or film telling about a product, job or service. विज्ञापन; integral (इन्टिग्रल)-being an essential part of something आवश्यक भाग; visual (विजुअल)-a picture, a map, piece of a film etc. used to make an article or talk more interesting दृश्य सामग्री; backbone (बैकबोन)-the most important part of a system, an organisation etc. that gives it support and strength रीढ़ की हड्डी; popularise (पॉपुलराइज)-to make a lot of people know about something लोकप्रिय बनाना; achievement (एचीवमेंट) a thing that somebody has done successfully, especially using their own effort and skill उपलब्धि; spread (स्प्रेड)-to affect or make something affect, be known by, or used by more and more people फैलाना; campaign (कैम्पेन)-a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular aim अभियान, आन्दोलन; calamity (कैलेमिटी) an event that causes great damage or harm विपत्ति; deceptive (डिसेप्टिव)-likely to make you believe something that is not true (छलपूर्ण); convey (कन्वे)-to make ideas, feelings etc., known to somebody पहुँचाना, प्रेषित करना (सूचना, सन्देश आदि) slogan (स्लोगन) a word or phrase that is easy to remember, used for advertisement to attract people नाश; junk food (जंक फूड)-food that is quick and easy to prepare and eat शीघ्र तैयार हो जाने वाला भोजन (फास्ट फूड);belly (बेली)-the part of the body below the chest पेट; apparel (अपैरल)-clothing when it is being sold in shops वस्त्र; impact (इम्पैक्ट)-the powerful effect on something प्रभाव; degenerate (डिजनरेट)-to become worse पतित होना, ज्यादा खराब होना; avail (अवेल)-to be helpful or useful to somebody लाभकारी होना; enlighten (एनलाइटन)-to give somebody information so that they understand something better प्रबुद्ध करना।
Advertisements Summary, Pronunciation & Translation
[1] Thanks to the radio and the television, advertisements have almost become an integral part of our lives. Even small children watch a TV ad (short for advertisement) with a great deal of interest, attracted by its visuals though they may not understand its message.
[2] Advertisements can be termed as the backbone of the commercial world. If a company or a firm has to popularise its product, it has to through various means, such as hand bills, posters, print media, and the television. Advertisements on the television make an instant appeal to people because of interesting visuals dramatising the product or service.
[3] Even government organizations use some ads to highlight their activities, achievements and future programmes. Ads also serve a very important purpose of spreading awareness about issues of public concern, such as compaigns against tobacco, AIDS and drugs and noble causes seeking help for victims of some natural calamity and so on.
[4] Today advertising has become a very powerful factor in our day-to-day lives, so we have to be watchful lest we are misled or misinformed by deceptive advertisements.
Those who prepare the matter for advertisements and for publicity are called copywriters. All of them are experts in conveying the message of their ads in short crisp sentences, slogans and eye-catching visuals. Some sample handbills follow.
[5] Since advertisements are making a great impact in all walks of our lives, care should be taken to ensure that they are not allowed to degenerate into cheap publicity. A democratic country like India gives every citizen and organization the freedom of expression. In a way, advertisers also avail themselves of this freedom and publicise their products, ideas, programmes, without any fear of legal action or punishments.
[6] But we should never forget that freedom is not licence. Some sort of regulatory mechanism is needed to curb any such tendencies on the part of advertisers that can cause more harm than good to society. If this aspect can be taken care of, advertisements can be most advantageously used for not only promoting commercial products but also for educating and enlightening common people about social, cultural and developmental issues of crucial importance.